Sunday, March 21, 2010

Little Diva's Homework -- How to Run a Race

Once a month, Little Diva's teacher sends home a packet of her written work from kindergarten. Usually they are story boards and now they've expanded into How-To stories. They are able to sound out and spell out the words as they hear them. It is so fun and exciting to read your six year old's thoughts. Even though every word isn't spelt out correctly, I can almost always figure out what she is trying to say.

So, when she wrote "How to Run a Race" recently, it made us laugh and brought tears to my eyes. She journaled about her race at Walt Disney World and listed as the things you need: start line, finish line, race. I love the balloon arch she drew at the finish line and the princess tiara on her head!!

How to Run a Race

You Need:
Start Line
Finish Line

First you wait for the race to start.

Then you wait for the horn.

Then you run the race.

Then you go to the finish line.
This assignment is definitely going in her keepsake bin!!! I love this deeply. :-)
I can only hope that future assignments will include:
How to make my bed and How to be nice to my little brother.


  1. This is great! I also love the arch! How great that she wrote about this!

  2. Being that I'm a K teacher and a runner, I LOVE THIS STORY! We are doing this same type of teaching of writing and I just love it because the topics all come from the kids! She's doing great and that is so cute, a definite keeper!

  3. That is awesome! Definitely a keeper. :)

  4. Oh now that is just too precious!

  5. wonderful story and pictures. I love the tiara in the last picture.

  6. This is beautiful. LOVE IT! You are setting such an amazing example for her.

  7. How sweet for her to write that! That is definitely going to stick in her memory for the rest of her life. Imagine her recounting this story to her significant other when she grows up and to her kids - her first race.

  8. That is the sweetest thing!! LOVE the story!!

  9. omg, that is too cute. so sweet!

  10. Her story was gorgeous. I love how 6 year olds have their own way of spelling. My niece once bought home a story that neither my sister or I could read. We showed it to my son (who was also 6) and he had no trouble reading it. It was just too funny.

  11. Oh, that is too precious! I teach 3rd grade and we do how-tos, also! In my 9 years of teaching none have done that topic. Your daughter follows in some pretty special footsteps.

  12. This is awesome!!! Much better than the "When I was a Baby" my boy recently did (kindergarten boy humor = diapers + poop). Her spelling is great!

  13. awwww that is awesome! so cute!!!!! she is for sure gonna be a runner! hehe

  14. Wow, her story is very descriptive for a kindergartener! Way to go on the 18-miler. Are you doing the Madison Marathon?

  15. How awesome! What a wonderful example you're setting!

    Winks & Smiles,

  16. That is awesome...You've already started her on a fabulous future with running. The fact that she chose to write this shows how much she took in the race and the joys it can bring.

  17. That is awesome! You've certainly had a great impact on her and she now has that memory to reflect on in the future. Let her know that she's a great story teller and artist! Love the tiara on the runner- all runners should wear one when they race!

  18. That is classic. Definitely a keeper for sure!

  19. oh my gosh! How absolutely adorable!!

  20. What a little gem!!! She sounds too adorable!
