Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nine Miles at 9AM

I literally Caught up with the Kardashians today on my treadmill run. I was almost about to watch three full episodes of reality show chaos and drama. I don't usually watch the show, but it really was quite entertaining during my run this morning.

Since my race is two weeks away, I wasn't sure how short or how far I should run? I was thinking eight miles, but hubby encouraged me to do nine this Sunday and 8 next Sunday. So, that's what I did. 1:20:00 went by rather quickly while the tv. I was only interrupted once by the children, since hubby was watching them upstairs.

I was able to try the melon flavored HEED. It was lightly flavored and yummy. I did find out later that there are 100 calories in a serving. I really need to get over that. It still seems to bother me that I consume drinkable calories during my runs. (I've finally ok with consuming Sports Beans and Gu for energy, but drinking calories is still a problem with me) I do prefer to drink G2 (low calorie Gaterade), but am realizing that there is much better stuff out there for some runners that people rave about. Nothing has really made me go "WOW" yet. But, nothing has turned me off of it either. The HEED definitely worked well this morning and I look forward to trying the other flavors I got from the giveaway.


  1. Good for you on a great time on a long run!! I can't wait for the day I can do over 5 miles without feeling completely dead!

  2. wow all those miles on a treadmill! thats fantastic!!!!
    u will rock that race!!!

  3. That's a lot of miles on a treadmill. I hate drinking calories too but decided I had too. I water Gatoraid down about half and half.

  4. I started getting those little packets you put in a water bottle. The diet snapple pink lemonade ones only have 5 calories and they are SO good. It said something about antioxidants but I don't think they're super nutritious or anything. Just yummy and low in cals. I'm running 8 on Saturday too. Woop woop!

  5. you totally rocked that treadmill! Grat work! you are going to be so ready!

  6. I know what you mean about drinking calories. I drink Gu Brew Blueberry Pomegranate with 2x sodium because I'm a salty sweater. It's 100 cal/serving, too. It's not real sweet so I usually add a packet of truvia to it and it is really yummy. Maybe you would like it.

  7. That was a hard pill for me to swallow, too - the whole appeal of running is that it burns so many calories and then I have to take in calories while running??? But at those longer distances it's unavoidable... Good luck with finding something you like - I have had success with Gu gels.

  8. I know what you mean about drinking calories, but honestly, most runner have a better performance with some sort of electrolyte replacement. Also, 100 calories is NOTHING when running 8 or 9 miles. Mathematically, it's a no-brainer. Did you choose Heed b/c that's what's on the race course? Just curious b/c there are two drinks that make me absolutely SICK while racing- Heed and Gatorade Endurance formula. I'm a big fan of the Power Bars, gels, and beverages. Just find what works for you, ya know?

  9. Nice miles on the TM! Funny how the Kardashians entertained you while running.:) I have a lot to learn about energy drinks, so it's good to know that the HEED was yummy.

  10. Great jog on your TM run!

    I do not like drinking calories either but in a race situation I think of it as fuel! ;-)

  11. Great job on the run - it was a good plan to do 9 and then 8. You'll be ready for the Princess 1/2 for sure!

    It is hard to get used to taking in calories while burning them. Glad to hear you liked the Heed. I like Hammer Gel - it's not too sweet and washes down easily with water.

    I'll have to give Heed a try!
