Sunday, February 28, 2010

Miles for February

February is a short month, but I can't believe it's already over. I was able to lot a lot of miles in this month, including some long treadmill runs of 13.1, 9 and 8. I am proud that I finally used my YMCA membership and used their treadmills a few times. I hope that March brings some melting snow, warmer weather (forecast is in the 40's!!) and some outdoor runs (yeah!).

February: 116.7
January: 132.5
Total miles for 2010: 249.2
Miles needed to reach goal of 1,400 miles: 1250.8


  1. Those are some long distances for the treadmill. About the longest I can do is 5 - 6 miles. I would much rather run outside - but do the treadmill after work a couple of times a week. I try to use it as speedier workouts - since it is easy to increase the speed for bursts.

    Remember that March brings SPRING and the return of Day Light Saving time on March 14th. It will be light until 7:00 pm. yeah!!!!! but for those of us that run in the early morning hours - it will again be dark at 5:30 - but not for long. I LOVE Snow - but I am sooooooo ready for spring.


  2. Good job on the running this month...hopefully warm weather will bring you more miles.

  3. those are great stats!!!! yay!!!!!

  4. Awesome job! You are totally going to get that 1400!

  5. Nice job on the miles! I'm hoping for weather in the 40's too - and for all the snow to disappear.

  6. Long long runs on the treadmill. Good for you!

  7. Wow - great mileage for Jan and Feb! Keep up the great work and you'll hit your mileage goal no problem.

  8. i am soooo excited for March to come! Daylight savings, a new calendar page, the beginning of the end of Winter. Bring on March baby!;-)

  9. Wow! You are going for 1400?! You are well on your way! Good luck!

  10. thanks for your comment on my blog! great to find yours!

  11. I'm with ya on the warmer temps and melting snow!! Great job on the treadmill! Keep it up!

  12. Love your blog!! I will be running the Disney half too this weekend. I'm beyond pumped! It's my 2nd half marathon and I don't run very quick, but I am getting addicted to these runs!
    I didn't know we would be sprinkled with 'fairy dust' or run through main street. (It's my first time running this race and I didn't catch that on the route map).

    Good luck! I can't wait to see pictures. :)

  13. I have had to run on the treadmill too, and I was feeling sorry for myself..but wow! You did some major miles on yours. Way to go!

  14. Wow! Those are LONG treadmill runs. So glad to hear you made it to the YMCA to mix up your scenery a bit. :)

  15. I am going to echo everyone's comments...seriously impressive numbers on the treadmill! Don't think I could do that! Here's to spring.

  16. Have fun in Disney - looks like the weather will be good.


  17. Great work on the treadmill!! I hope disney was a blast :)

  18. I also ran the Disney half -- I was thrilled to finish in 2:18 for my first half! Hope you did well and had a great time doing it!!!
