Thursday, February 11, 2010

100th Post -- Enjoying the Journey -- THANK YOU!

So, my journey has brought me to this 100th post! I simply can't believe what the last year ... and 100 posts ... has brought with it. THANK YOU!!!!

This blog started with me logging my journey last summer, while trying to balance my training for five half marathons while Jason was training for Ironman Wisconsin and juggling our two small children and work. I was getting up at 4:30 for a morning run on the treadmill, before heading off to a 10 1/2 hour day at work three days a week. I was blogging for me, to log my journey. Was anyone out there actually listening to my rambles!?

Fast forward to today and there are people out there that are actually interested in my journey?! I'm following the journey of so many of YOU who are doing the same thing. Balancing life. I love relating to people and their stories. The blog community is so amazing and inspiring. I've found so many tips and ideas out there, from so many of you, as well as some really cool products.

Speaking of cool products ... I've enjoyed "meeting" the owners of so many fabulous running-related companies as well as the authors of so many great running-related books. It's been great to try out their products and share my passion for running with my family and all of you. I look forward to many more opportunities.
I cannot wait to meet a few of you inspiring ladies at the Disney Princess Half Marathon in a few short weeks!! I will be in touch with you via email very shortly, regarding our meet-up plan for race morning.

Oddly enough, my daughter is celebrating her 100th day of school and their celebration is tomorrow.

The big giveaway for this milestone will occur in mid-March. So much fun (and fun stuff!) is in store for you ... and your little ones (love it!!). Remember, you have to be a follower to be eligible. Only 10 more fabulous people ... until I reach my 100th follower!!


  1. So, I've been a follower for just a little bit and I just realized you are from WI-I think? I'm from Green Bay but I'm going to grad school down in FL and I'm headed to be a princess too :) I'm really excited for that half (my first). I hope the snow is not too bad there right now

  2. Congrats on your 100th post! The princess half sounds so much fun - oh, and going to Florida this time of year wouldn't be too bad either. :)

  3. Congrats on your 100th post! Here's to 100+ more!

  4. I think I made your 90th follower...does that count for anything??;-)

  5. Congrats on your 100th post!! I would LOVE to be running in the Princess Half!! Can't wait to hear all about it from you!

  6. Congrats... I am on like 38. LOL!

    Check out my blog for a cool giveaway!

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post! Here's to 100 more!

  8. And I've been following you on Reader for a while now, but I'm now following you on your site too! Only a few more!

  9. Congrats! I hope your journey continues and you can keep right on blogging.

    Stop by my blog because you won something.

  10. Yay for 100 posts! Randomly finding your blog while looking for Disney Princess Half info inspired me to start my blog. :-)

  11. Awesome 100 posts! I'm pretty new to the blogging community, but I can already tell it's a great place!

  12. Congrats on 100 posts. Strange how these things grow isn't it?
