Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weekend Recap: 28 TM Miles, Baby!

This weekend I pounded out every mile of the scheduled 28 miles on my calendar:
Friday - 6 mi
Saturday - 6 mi
Sunday - 10 mi
Monday - 6 mi
Each mile was ran on our treadmill, in our unfinished basement. Some alone, some with the little munchins keeping me company. None of my runs were continuous, unfortunately. I did have to hit the stop button quite a few times to get more snacks for the kids or because the little guy thought it was funny to keep dropping his blankie on the floor. Quite the fun game THAT was!!
I'm right on target to hit my 1,200 mile goal by December 31st ... ahead in fact. I just hope that I benefit from the extra time off over the holidays and that the "holiday cheer" doesn't stand in my way. 52.1 miles to go.


  1. Good for you for banging out those miles on the mill! I am struggling with that still.

  2. Eeks, just lost my comment so here goes again (sorry if two mysteriously show up). I am one that actually does enjoy the treadmill. I know, I'm not in the norm category. But I love how it keeps you on pace and won't let you deviate from the plan. I did 18 on it once last year and had everything right there I needed. I'm sure everyone around me thought I had moved in!

    Nice job on the running, girl!!

  3. I am so impressed! It's hard for me to be on the treadmill for long runs! Kudos to you! It's funny because when I am on the treadmill, it is when my kids decide to ask important questions or have issues that need to be addressed right away.

  4. I've also been on the treadmill almost full time the last couple of weeks. I don't mind it for speedwork or the occasional run but I am honestly going crazy on it lately. I don't know if I can keep this up if it doesn't get warmer outside! Congrats on getting close to your 1200 mile goal! Great accomplishment!

  5. That is amazing! I am sure I would've completely lost my patience having to stop/start like that! I'm just getting started back into marathon training (after a 2 year and 1 baby hiatus!) and am seriously thinking of buying a treadmill. I live on top of a huge hilly area so it's hills, hills, hills for all my runs if I head out the front door. Sort of discouraging for someone just starting out again!

    So glad to have found your encouraging and inspiring blog! I just launched my marathon weight loss blog, 26 Pounds 26 Miles and am happy to have linked to yours to share with my readers! Good luck on finishing your mileage. I'll be following your progress!
