Friday, December 18, 2009

Plan of Attack for the Weekend Ahead

My daughter's birthday is five days before Christmas and my son's is five days after Christmas. Smart planning on our part, huh?! Here's the big plan for the weekend ... Lots of fun stuff planned ... need to fit in the miles on the TM.

Clean House (check)

Laundry (check)

Run 6 mi (check)

Family movie night at home


Errands for party

Kids' joint birthday party

Run 6 mi

Paige sleepover with friend


Paige's 6th birthday

Breakfast and presents

Take friend home

Drop Jackson off with Grandma

Mommy/Daddy date with Paige for her movie (lunch, movie and possibly bowling)

Run 6 mi


Run last minute holiday errands

Run 6 mi


  1. Busy, but fun looking weekend ahead. Have fun and Happy Birthday to the kiddos!

  2. Wow partyfest weekend. Have fun!

  3. My sister and I had the same predicament growing up: My bday is four days before Christmas and hers is 5 days after. Now I have a little more sympathy for my mom! But man how I'm impressed with all your TM miles!

  4. And I thought I had it bad with my daughter's birthday a month before Christmas! Yikes! At least you have a good plan!
