Tuesday, December 29, 2009

DVD Review: UltraMarathon Man (Dean Karnazes)

Hubby and I exchange stockings annually, for Christmas, instead of gifts. We set a $100 limit. One item that was on his Amazon.com Wish List was Dean Karnazes' UltraMarathon Man DVD. I was excited to purchase this for him, and then I, too, could obviously enjoy it!! We sat down the other night, after the kiddos were in bed, and watched Dean's journey of running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. How truly awesome and motivating.

Individuals in each state could join Dean as he completed each marathon. I recall that Jason was considering joining him in Green Bay, as he completed his marathon in Wisconsin. But the timing didn't workout with his schedule, or he didn't have enough notice. But, gosh, what an experience that would've been. It turns out, that Dean said his favorite race moment was doing the Green Bay race at Lambeau Field on his son's birthday.

I really love Dean's message. Just as I love the Girls on the Run Program, Dean started his own foundation, Karno Kids, to help encourage youth to get outside and get active. He has also participated in the GOTR program, when his daughter competed int he program. I love it!!!!!

Jason has read his book, UltraMarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner, and we also listened to the book on tape, which we borrowed from our local library. I unfortunately didn't get to listen to the whole set of tapes, because I didn't have time before returning it. I hope to reserve it again and now listen to it in it's entirety. All three experiences were different, and equally as awesome and motivating. I would suggest trying watching, reading AND listening to his journey (in no particular order).

Want to be inspired?? Check out Dean's website, Ultramarathon Man at: http://www.ultramarathonman.com/flash/


  1. Interesting! I'll have to check this one out. I've wanted to read his books but haven't found time.

  2. i read the 50/50 book by Dean and loved it.
    I heard there was a movie about. i will try to look for the movie!

    ur posts make me happy :)

  3. Is he not the best?!?! So inspiring! I've read 50/50, and got Ultramarathon Man for Christmas. I read it in one afternoon. Amazing.

  4. I want to watch the movie. I read the book and LOVED IT!

  5. I think the book is way better than the movie. It was funny and very inspiring!
