Thursday, December 31, 2009

1,200 mile goal reached for 2009

On the very last day of 2009, I have finally reached my goal of running 1,200 miles for the calendar year!!!!!! I am so over-joyed.

I had five miles left to run today and ended up running them on the treadmill, just like most of my miles logged this year. I had the kids along side me, and had to stop once for some snacks for the little ones and another time, because the little guy purposely dropped his blankie on the floor again, while he was in the playpen playing. Last year, stopping would've bothered me. But, this year I have realized that a mile is a mile is a mile. It doesn't matter if I run 3 now and 6 later. I did it. By just getting on the treadmill, while I'm spending time with my little ones, is an accomplishment.

When I stopped the treadmill after 5 miles, to cool down, Jackson said "all done running', just like he does every time. But this time it brought tears to my eyes. I did it, I was done, I actually met my goal set back in January. And my kids witnessed it. I gave both the kids a high five and explained to my six year old that mommy just accomplished a big goal that that I had set for myself. She gave out a big "woot woot!" with a huge smile on her face.

In 2010, I will be running 3 half marathons (this year I ran 5) and 2 marathons (this year I ran no full marathons). I hope to run at least 1,400 miles in 2010.

2009 Mileage: 1,200.1 miles

December: 109.2 miles
November: 101.4 miles
October: 115.3 miles
September: 75.5 miles
August: 67.0 miles
July: 104.6 miles
June: 94.3 miles
May: 116.1 miles
April: 131.1 miles
March: 119.2 miles
February: 100.0 miles
January: 66.5 miles


  1. Great job on meeting your goal! Best wishes for 2010!

  2. Awesome job on 1200 miles!!!! I love that overwhelming feeling of satisfaction you get when you acheive a major goal! Good luck with your 2010 training! Have a great New Year!

  3. Perfect picture...High five is right!!!! I knew you would accomplish it. Happy New Year!

  4. Congratulations on your mileage for the year! Happy New Year!

  5. Congrats for meeting your goal for 2009. It always feels so good to "get there" doesn't it? 2010 here we come running, running, running to new goals. Yay!

  6. Yay for reaching your goal! What a great example your are!!!

  7. Great job! Your kids must be so proud!

    On a side note, my treadmill runs (which happen quite often) sound exactly like yours. The run always ends with my daughter saying, "all done running?"

    Here's to 1400 in 2010!

  8. Awesome accomplishment. Can't wait to experience the marathon's with you on your blog, which I very much enjoy reading.

  9. Great job hitting your goal! I'm hoping to run the Madison Mini this year too.

    MCM Mama

  10. congrats on hitting your mileage goal! good that you just brush off those small interruptions - at least you are able to still get your running in! happy new year - may it be healthy, happy and speedy!

  11. Awesome! Congrats on meeting your goal! Your six year old sounds like a sweet encourager- what a blessing! You've inspired me! Christine

  12. Wow, I am so glad you commented on my blog because I am SO coming back to yours! I am newbie runner and love reading about experienced runners. Congratulations on reaching your goal. That is awesome!

  13. Excellent job on the mileage and the races in 2009! Your 2010 race calendar sounds great...can't wait to share your journey! Happy New Year!!

  14. Wow that is such an achievement, congratulations! I'm so happy I came across your blog, you are very inspirational, Thanks!!

  15. Congrats Jamie! You amaze me.

  16. Awesome! I'm so happy for you reaching your goal - and think it is awesome that your kids were there to witness it. You are setting an amazing example for them. What a difference strong mommies make!

  17. 1200 miles - HOLY MOLY!!!! That is supremely impressive. Good job!
