Saturday, October 24, 2009

Marathon Mommy Minivan

So ... I begged and I begged and I begged for a mini van since Jackson was born (almost two years ago). My Ford Focus just wasn't cutting it with two kids, the errands, etc. So, my birthday gift to myself was my minivan this year!!! And, it is one of the BEST purchases I've ever made.

I don't think we could've survived this summer without it. We went on so many "destination races" around the midwest, that it was awesome for traveling, throwing in all of our running and triathlon gear and gave us all plenty of room for comfort. We were even able to leave Jason's tri bike in the van and didn' thave to bring it into the hotel rooms with us. It was fabulous.

The mini van was a blessing for the day of Ironman Wisconsin. We had that thing packed with gear, coolers, chairs ... you name it. I had a blast decking out the entire van in support of Jason that weekend.

I even have decked it out and personalized it with some things that are totally "me". I purchased these cute stickers on CafePress this summer. I love that the 26.2 sticker is a little different than the norm and it's a little girly, too.

This is my favorite and I've had a lot of people chuckle at it. My customized liscense plate frame says "Marathon Mommy ... 26.2 miles of peace and quiet". So incredibly true!!!!!

I love how our new family vehicle is totally me and totally an expression of what our family has become ... healthy, active and on-the-go.


  1. I love that 26.2 sticker, it's so pretty!!!

  2. Nice blog! Love the licence plate cover! SOOO true!

  3. Sounds like you made some special memories this summer! That's a great license plate holder!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love knowing there are other moms who run out there. I really like the 26.2 sticker- not like the others out there!

  5. LOL. that license plate thingy is too funny!!! :)
