One of my running goals for this year was to run at least 100 mi each month (after our WDW trip January) and I fell slightly short of my goal this month. I simply became lazy after my half marathon on Memorial Day weekend. I missed a few "long runs" on Sundays, because of the desire to do other things on holidays or other races and being out of town.
I'm mad at myself, because last year, I would get up at 5AM on the weekends, to get my long runs (which were SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER) out of the way, before my family started their day. I didn't let any schedule obstacle stand in my way .... never! Now, I don't have that same motivation and choose to run while Jackson is taking his nap and hope that he sleeps for an hour or two. I would like to state, however, that I have been getting up between 4:00 - 4:30 AM during my work week on Tues/Wed/Thurs (the days I work), to get my 3.1 miles pounded out on the treadmill, before I get myself ready for work. This has freed up our evenings for playtime outside, walks with Jackson and gives Jason flexibility to workout in the evening whenever he wants. We also get time together in the evening, too, which is nice. The draw-back is that I am down for the count by 10pm. And, then I tend to want to sleep in on my "days off".
Anyhow, I came close, but didn't reach my 100 mile goal for June. I WILL do better in July, as I train for a 10 mile race in July and two more half marathons in the following two months.
I'd like to run at least 1,200 miles this year. Last year was my first 1,000 mile year (which I barely completed).
June: 94.3 Mi
May: 116.1 Mi
April: 131.1 Mi
March: 119.2 Mi
February: 100.0 Mi
January: 66.5 Mi
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